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In a world that is already saturated with ideals and images to live up to, I wonder if there is any room left for Self-compassion and Love? Is it possible to ever be enough?

At a recent dinner party I overheard the 66 yr. old birthday girl say “yes” to the double chocolate cake with rich caramel nutty ice-cream with the qualifier “It’s ok! I will eat DUST tomorrow.” And whilst I think she was joking about this, as her daughter it hit home hard, that this is actually MY relationship to food and life. Eat now, pay later, with lashings of whipped cream and guilt.

Guilt is rife in our culture, with words such as ‘should’, ‘must’ and ‘ought too’ perpetuated by advertising, T.V. and social media ideals. However, scratch the surface of our consumerist society, ever so lightly, and beneath the glossy exterior, the veneer, the face paint, the hair do’s and the fashion, you will find stories so rich they will astound you. Everyone has a story of their own making, and yet we all think we are the only ones. Unique individuals and yet the same.

I have found the group energy of the Life Drawing Studio to be an amazing balm for the wounds guilt leaves. The naked bodies, vulnerable and yet relaxed amongst the group, reminds me that we come in all shapes and sizes, with bags full of stories, hang-ups and dreams. I draw over the images, words and advertising found in Saturday and Sundays AGE newspapers. (Check out the gallery here) These are stories written and created by others; adopted, absorbed and recreated as colourful and individual works.


Joel Gallery

Exhibition dates 3 Oct – 11 Oct 2014
Opening Night Sat 4 Oct 5.30 -7.30pm

Louis Joel Arts & Community Centre
5 Sargood Street Altona 3018